First, credits to Makezine where I originally saw this concept. James Floyd Kelly and Chris Jones are the article authors and the artwork / logo is from Brandon Steen
Initially I’m going to put most of my photos and videos here, and then I may add parts lists and details. If you want to build one, start with the article on Makezine. I wanted to add some visual and tactile steampunk type features, as the kid I was building for is pretty interested in mechanical detail and I thought she would appreciate it. When initially explaining it to my 3.5 year old granddaughter, she is also the one who asked what does it do if it finds a monster? Can it kill it? That prompted me to want to add a “kill” switch as well as sound when it’s scanning. Then, I felt it deserved a good case, so the matching Pelican 1200 was modded.
I am pretty mechanical and a solid DIY homeowner and DIY vehicle mechanic. I knew how to solder, but had zero experience with Adafruit, Arduino or anything like that although I am an IT person by day.
Here are the published video links of the project, followed by the photos. Jump to the bottom for the list of sources and products I used, which is still incomplete.
Monster B Gone bench mockup and explanation – video
Final Monster B Gone – video
Pelican 1200 case mod for Monster B Gone – video
- Adafruit Trinket
- Interim version showing size
- Neopixel, alarm siren, logo
- Practice metal wire stitching various styles
- Workbench by the pool!
- Laptop loading code
- the device I used for sound
- detail of switch on the sound device (not used)
- Pelican 1200 case
- Detail glass eyes on Pelican 1200
- Deliberate uneven paint
- “monster scratches”
- Deliberate smearing and scratching
- Stressing detail
- What the case looked like before
- Treadplate, name, gears
- Taped off to protect the Pelican logo
- Steen logo!
- in case
- Deliberate smeared fingerprints
- LED light
- Kill switch
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