Jun 14

Windows Server 2012 R2 New Features Study Guide

Windows Server 2012 R2 New Features (test 70-412 or 70-417)

These notes are my personal notes from the FREE training on Pluralsight. You can get your FREE signup through technet/MSDN or Dreamspark. The title of this course is exactly the title of this post. These notes are from this specific course only. I use these as a refresher Study Guide. POWERSHELL topics and cmdlets are in purple. I have a few notes with the “DEMO” each time the training included a DEMO just so you can see how many demos there were which were really helpful. Thanks to Orin Thomas, the trainer, contact info at the end.

  1. Web Application Proxy
    1. Replaces AD FS Proxy role
      1. AD FS offers CLAIMS BASED Authentication (based on other atributes from user or computer accounts). For example based on employee type, location, title, etc.
      2. AD FS can work between organizations with different OS (Windows / Linux)
      3. Allows SSO for premise and cloud (like Office 365)
      4. Reverse proxy for web apps (prior might have used TMG / Threat Management Gateway)
    2. Web Application Proxy prerequisites
      1. supports pass through authentication
      2. AD FS preauthentication
      3. requries certs;
        1. cert that includes federation service name
        2. specifics for Workplace Join
        3. Certs for each web app, or wildcard cert
  2. Guest Clustering with Shared Virtual Hard Disks
    1. I think is the same as using VMware RDMs to sup MSCS clusters on Windows Server VMs. I’ve done a bunch of these at work with vShere 6.0 and Server 2012 R2
    2. Nodes can be on different hosts; AKA “Cluster Across Boxes” as opposed to “Cluster in a Box” which is both nodes on one physical host.
    3. Shared Virtual Hard Disks allow shared storage WITHOUT SAN.  What?
    4. More simple than iSCSI
    5. Needs to be highly available via
      1. scale out file server
      2. cluster shared volume
    6. shared storage needs to be .vhdx
    7. Gen1 or Gen2
    8. Only with 2012 and 2012R2 for OS
    9. DEMO
      1. build out clustered SOFS
      2. configure cluster file server
      3. add csv
      4. set up new share on SOFS using SMB-Applications
      5. Hyper-V hosts need to be able to access this location
    10. Then use Hyper-V console to attach the VHD to a SCSI controller
      1. has to be .vhdx
      2. fixed or dynamic
      3. ENABLE VHD sharing
      4. attach to SCSI controller
      5. bring disk online, iitialize, format volume
      6. can create multiple drives on same volume
    11. DEMO
      1. create VHD and create VM cluster
      2. enalble vhd sharing


        enable VHD sharing

      3. after each VM (node) can see the storage then you can add the failover clustering FEATURE.
      4. then build the cluster
  3. Improving VHD Performance
    1. resizing VHDs
      1. used to have to be shut down, now can be running
      2. must be using .vhdx format
      3. must be connected to a SCSI controller (Gen1, or Gen2)
        1. Gen1 machines boot from IDE, so…
      4. resizing allows to set smaller size upfront, knowing expansion is simple.
      5. use Hyper-V console or Resize-VHD Powershell command
      6. DEMO of above steps
    2. Storage QoS
      1. set max/min IOPS


        set IOPS limits

    3. Storage Tiering
      1. via storage pools
      2. automatic; turn in and it moves based on activity
      3. CAN  manual settings
  4. Windows Server 2012 Clustering Improvements
    1. VM Drain on shutdown
      1. If you put a VM in maintenace mode, then VMs are moved to another host.
      2. HOWEVER, in 2012, if you shut down host WITHOUT maintenance mode, there is a disruption of service as VMs go into a saved state, are moved, then started. While they are in a saved state, they are non-functional.
      3. In R2, even if you shut down (without maintenance mode) they move to another host AUTOMATICALLY. This is new in R2
    2. Dynamic Quorum / Dynamic Witness
      1. DQ – 2012 and 2012 R2 automatically recalculate quorum if a node is shut down gracefully.
      2. if multiple nodes fail, 1) checks if it has a quorum then 2) recalculates quorum
      3. you can also configure certain nodes to be NON voting node.
      4. Dynamic Witness
        1. configure a witness that will or will not be used based on quorum
        2. if there is an odd number, then dynamic witness doesn’t vote
        3. if there is an even number, then dynamic witness will be active
        4. PURPOSE is to reduce the chance of cluster failure if a witness goes down.
        5. basically insures an odd number of votes
      5. Force Quorum Resiliency
        1. to avoid “split brain” or “partitioned cluster”; nodes are not aware of each other, most often due to network issue. Generally resolved by restarting cluster. Essentially, each set of nodes think they have quorum. Think nodes in two separate datacenters (Sydney and Melbourne)
        2. Force Quorum Resiliency is that when network is restored, the cluster quorum is restored automatically.
      6. Tiebreaker 50-50 Node Split
        1. clusters dynamically adjust a nodes vote (deprecated vote) to ensure odd number.
        2. you have to configure it.
        3. works WITH dynamic witness
        4. works if dynamic witness fails
        5. in multi site clusters, admin can set which site retains quorum
  5. Enhanced Session Mode and Improved VM Export
    1. Virtual Machine Connection via Hyper V Console
      1. doesn’t allow cut/paste, scripting, redirect sound, basically only KB and mouse
      2. if you want those features, you usually have to use RDP
      3. Requirements
        1. host on 2012 R2
        2. VMs running R2 or Windows 8.1
        3. Enabled in Hyper V settings on host
        4. account is a member of RDP users or Admins on VM
        5. (do not have to log into VM and enable RDP
    2. DEMO of Enhanced Session Mode2012EnhancedSessionMode
      1. allows to set resolution
      2. allows redirect audio
      3. allows record remote audio
      4. redirect printers
      5. redirect clipboard (like RDP)
      6. click “More” to get to map drives, PnP, etc.
      7. Essentially this is like the same thing in RDP but appears pretty robust and solid.
    3. Virtual Machine Export IMPROVEMENTS
      1. 2012 or prior, had to shut down machine.
      2. R2 lets you export RUNNING machine.
      3. the exported machine, when you import it, it will be running as well (with certain requirements)
      4. Example; testing; you want to copy a bunch of machines to test a software install.
    4. DEMO of Virtual Machine Live Export
      1. create checkpoint (snapshot)
      2. can export checkpoint or live machine
      3. if you do the live machine, it creates temporary checkpoint, then a live update at the last instant to finalize
      4. WILL create a new vm id upon import, if you want. there are three choices; 1) Register in place (use existing unique ID), 2) restore the virtual machine (use existing unique ID), and 3) copy the virtual machine (create a new unique ID). Explanations of these three options here.
      5. Also note the VM unique ID, is a unique Hyper-V GUID, but this is NOT the same as a SID. A SID is used for Active Directory, this is simply for Hyper-V see explanation here.
      6. CAN do multiple imports, like a template. That would usually be option # 3 above.
  6. Generation 2 Virtual Machines – NEW in R2
    1. Gen 1 machines WILL run in 2012 R2 no problem.
    2. Gen 1 machines emulate older hardware, which creates performance impact
      1. lots of P2V, but now we do a lot of straight to VM
    3. Gen 2
      1. supports secure VM boot
      2. don’t need to run on particular older hypervisor
      3. don’t need to support Remote FX
      4. boot volumes bigger than 2.2 Tb (developers will love this; we want all the storage you have….)
      5. there is a new step in VM creation wizard; 1 or 2.  Default is still Gen1 (see screenshot)
      6. Can’t really change this later. There is an unsupported script on MSDN and perhaps other places example here.
    4. DEMO of Generation 2 VM on Server 2012 R22012Gen2MachineDefaultGen1
      1. It states in the wizard that this cannot be changed, see the warning at the bottom.
      2. next few steps are the same as you’re familiar with.
      3. Gen2 only support new .vhdx format.
      4. Another new feature; no default virtual DVD! This is ONLY created if you specify install by .iso. (see screenshot)

        If you don't select the .iso, there will be NO default DVD drive created.

        If you don’t select the .iso, there will be NO default DVD drive created.

    5. Generation 2 Boot Order
      1. for booting to .ISO etc.Just like changing boot order in BIOS more less.
      2. Enable secure boot (default is ENABLED)
      3. only supported by Windows OS
      4. VM has to be turned off to change setting.
      5. currently (as of this training)
    6. DEMO of Gen2 Boot Order
      1. contained in VM “settings/firmware”
    7. NO IDE controller. (older versions HAD to boot off IDE
      1. Gen2 ONLY boot from SCSI
      2. allows hot add storage, or expand storage while running (R2)
    8. DEMO of hot add storage and expand
      1. we went over this in the prior post VNEXT First Look
    9. Drawbacks to Gen2
      1. no remote FX (so be aware if you are a VDI shop)
      2. no .vhd support for OS drive.
      3. no linux support
      4. no iSCSI reboot
      5. cannot replicate to Azure
  7. SMB and DFS Improvements
    1. manage bandwidth based on traffic type; default/Live Migration/Virtual Machine Traffic
    2. by default, no limits
    3. Bandwidth Limit is a FEATURE, only enabled/configured by POWERSHELL (no GUI install). Installed from Server Manager, enabled by PS
    4. SMB manage bandwidth Managed by Powershell, see here.
    5. Clone of the DFS database; Use Case; setting it up in a branch office without WAN replication to get initial replication set up.
    6. Preserved File Restoration
      1. ConflictAndDeleted and PreExisting can be managed by Powershell;
        1. Get-DfsrPreservedFiles and Restore-DfsrPeservedFiles
        2. can choose to overwrite, or copy to new location
      2. This is a Server 2012 R2 capability.
    7. DEMO DFS Export
      1. Get-DfsrCloneState
  8. Remote Desktop Services Improvements
    1. Session shadowing, Dynamic Display, RestrictedAdmin Mode, Online Data Deduplication
    2. Session shadowing allows admin to connect to Server 2012 R2 session and view mode, or “control mode” so you can interact and control just like the user.
      1. Can be configured to “require permission”
    3. DEMO of session shadowing.
      1. similar to what a lot of third party tools have been able to do; Citrix, Webex, LogMeIn123, VNC,  etc.
    4. Dynamic Display – supports “device rotation” for landscape mode for tablets etc. Multiple monitors, projectors, etc. Supports touch devices.
    5. RemoteFX virtualized GPU support DX 11.1
    6. compression bandwidth compression – claims of 50% less bandwidth when playing video across Server 2012 R2 RDS WAN link.
    7. RestrictedAdmin mode
      1. allows interactive logon without sending credentials
      2. only Windows 8.1
      3. requires /restrictedadmin mode in MSTSC command
      4. more info on RestrictedAdmin mode here.
    8. Online Data Deduplication
      1. deduplicates VHD while running
      2. requires Server 2012 R2 with Feature enabled
      3. when deployed on tiered storage, deduped data moved to higher tier
  9. Windows Server 2012 R2 WDS Improvements
    1. WDS with Powershell and VHDX deployment
    2. lots of new powershell to automate. System Center Orchestrator can call these cmdlets.
      1. New Powershell cmdlets;
        1. New-WdsInstallImageGroup
        2. Import-WdsBootImage
        3. Import-WdsInstallImage
        4. Import-WdsDriverPackage
    3. DEMO of Powershell cmdlets via ISE
    4. VHDX files Import and Deployment
      1. now can use a GUI to manage.
      2. create in Hyper V, sysprep, then shut down.
      3. no need to capture
      4. import the .vhdx into WDS
      5. make reference machine smaller than 120 Gb or WDS will error thinking it’s larger than the default 120 Gb drive
    5. DEMO
      1. demo of sysprep, shut down, etc.
      2. Import to WDS
  10. DHCP and DNS Improvements
    1. Implementing DNSSEC, Zone Level Statistics, and DHCP Registration Options
    2. DNSSEC allows records to be digitally signed so clients can verify authenticity
    3. most Server 2012 R2 improvements related to replication
    4. When DNSSEC is enabled, each record gets a matching RRSIG (Record Resource SIGnature) record, and a DNSKEY record and a NSEC/NSEC3. More on DNSSEC here.
    5. DNSSEC keys
      1. trust anchor
      2. KSK Key Signing Key
        1. first server with DNSSEC has the KSK
      3. Zone Signing Key
      4. NRPT can be configured after DNSSEC is confitured.
        1. configured with Group Policy
        2. allows you to configure IPSEC
    6. DEMO of DNSSEC
    7. Zone Level Statistics (improved)
      1. query, transfer, updates
    8. Demo of Zone Level Statistics
      1. Get-DnsServerStatistics
    9. DHCP registration and Name Protection
      1. DEMO of DHCP registration and Name Protection
      2. site or server level
      3. “enable name protection” checkbox. Does not allow duplicate named hosts.
  11. Upgrading to Windows Server 2012
    1. upgrading domain controllers, migrating DHCP servers, migrating file servers
      1. DC not a true upgrade, can’t do x86 to x64 version
      2. only some OS can do an OS upgrade
      3. Recommendation is to introduce a Server 2012 R2 DC to your 2003 functional level domain
      4. promote Server 2012 R2 to DC
      5. transfer FISMO roles to Server 2012 R2 DC
      6. then demote the old DCs (dcpromo)
    2. DEMO of upgrading the DCs
      1. netdom query FISMO  (shows FISMO roles)
    3. Migrating DHCP
      1. back it up using DHCP concsole
      2. install ROLE on Server 2012 R2
      3. then restore the backup
        1. netsh to back up DHCP
        2. 2003 netsh DHCP server export c:\somefilename.txt all (exports the file)
        3. 2003 netsh DHCP server import c:\somefilename.txt all (imports to Server 2012 R2 server)
        4. 2008 use the Server Manager
    4. DEMO of transferring DHCP
    5. Migrating File Server
      1. biggest issues are permissions, share permissions, and quotas
      2. install migration tools Feature on Server 2012 R2
      3. creates a package to install on source machine
      4. basic steps are;
        1. INSTALL migration tools on Server 2012 R2 target machine
        2. CREATE package for donor/source machine
        3. INSTALL migration tools from package to donor/source machine
        4. START Receive-SmigServerData on target/destination
        5. START Send-SmigServerData on donor/source
        6. More on SmigServerData here.
    6. DEMO of moving file server role
      1. install Feature from server manager or PS
        1. DO NEED .net framework 4
        2. create package (just a folder of a bunch of files)
        3. run smigdeploy to start it on the donor/source

This concludes the Pluralsight Windows Server 2012 R2 New Features Course

Thanks to Orin Thomas;




Jun 11

Windows Server vNext First Look

This is one of the FREE Pluralsight training classes.
Windows Server vNext First Look

UPDATE; I got some questions about VNEXT. I have not finished this Study Guide as I need to focus on my upcoming test. However, I did find a couple of additional posts on other sites that are helpful;

  1. 1) http://windowsitpro.com/windows-server/windows-server-vnext-giant-leap-rather-small-step
  2. 2) Tech Days Keynote by Jeffrey Snover and Rick Claus
  3. 3) there is a whole series of videos on MSDN CHANNEL 9
    1. There are two many to list right now but go to this URL; http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Ignite/2015/
    2. Then, add search criteria on the right; 1) add “vnext” or “nano” to the search box (one at a time)
    3. AND also down the list a bit select “level 300” and you should be getting a list of vNEXT and NANO videos from Ignite.

My notes (did not complete this, had to focus back on 2012 R2 for upcoming tests)

  • The next (unamed OS). This is a PREView, not even to Beta yet.
  • Some features are not even in the preview
  • RTM sometime 2015
  • Hyper-V
    • can rolling upgrade from 2012 R2 to vNEXT AND BACK
    • so you can move a VM from one to another
    • once all nodes are vNext, then you can upgrade cluster, and after that all VMs are version 6 instead of 2012R2 v5
    • VM configuration file improvements. Less editable, more resilient. Binary, not XML
      • .VMCX and .VMRS files
    • Production checkpoints (snapshots in 2012r2) weren’t really supported. Now are fully supported in all production workloads.
    • Still can do standard checkpoints, or production checkpoints
    • Linux Secure Boot;
      • Generation2 Linux VM
      • protects boot environment from malware
      • have to use MS UEFI certificate authority
    • Hot Add Memory and Hot Add NICs
      • increase, decrease even with static settings, Gen 1, Gen2
      • NICs, only Gen 2
    • Hyper-V Manager
      • information about versions and memory utilization
      • can use alternate credentials
      • downlevel server management; 2012 R2, Windows 8, different versions.
      • additional features; integration services through windows updates, connected standby, add storage to VMs that are set to replicate (prior had to recreate)
    • Demo
      • hyper-v console
      • hot add memory (VMware could do for years)
      • hot add NIC (VMware could do for years)
    • What’s new in Remote Desktop Services
      • Remote FX improvements (Remote FX simulates a powerful graphics adapter, in VDI environments or Remote Desktop)


Jun 05

Links from HP Discover 2015

Water cooled server racks; APOLLO; http://www8.hp.com/us/en/products/servers/high-performance-computing/apollo/apollo8000-product-portfolio.html

Video explanation of the APOLLO water cooled system; this is the Peregrine system they talked about that is being used to heat the sidewalks with excess heat from the datacenter; https://youtu.be/9Ih3R84Corg

The MACHINE; the HP Labs folks running this section were real genius types;  http://www.hpl.hp.com/research/systems-research/themachine/

MEMRISTOR; http://www8.hp.com/hpnext/tags/memristor#.VXGmJc9VhBc

StoreVirtual VSA; virtual array storage and servers in single appliance; http://www8.hp.com/us/en/products/data-storage/storevirtual-vsa.html

VPV; http://www8.hp.com/us/en/software-solutions/vpv-server-virtualization-management/

SiteScope; http://www8.hp.com/us/en/software-solutions/sitescope-application-monitoring/

Operations Manager; http://www8.hp.com/us/en/software-solutions/operations-manager-infrastructure-monitoring/


HP Moonshot; lots of buzz, very flexible, and very dense; http://www8.hp.com/us/en/products/servers/moonshot/#products

HP Vertica; SQL on Hadoop; http://www.vertica.com/hp-vertica-products/sqlonhadoop/

Hadoop with Cloudera or Hortonworks; http://www8.hp.com/us/en/products/servers/high-performance-computing/hadoop.html

Helion; huge buzz about Helion the Cloud Infrastructure / Openstack offering; http://www8.hp.com/us/en/cloud/hphelion-openstack-overview.htmlhttps://docs.hpcloud.com/helion/openstack/1.1/. Supports Chef, Puppet, etc., etc., etc.

Internet Giants; this was running, just kind of interesting; http://pennystocks.la/battle-of-internet-giants/

May 19

70-417 and 70-412


Here is a list of my free training from Pluralsight;


TO Do List

Skills measured

This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam.

Please note that the questions may test on, but will not be limited to, the topics described in the bulleted text.

As of January 2014, this exam includes content covering Windows Server 2012 R2.

Configure and manage high availability (15–20%)
  • Configure Network Load Balancing (NLB)
    • Install NLB nodes, configure NLB prerequisites, configure affinity, configure port rules, configure cluster operation mode, upgrade an NLB cluster
  • Configure failover clustering
    • Configure quorum, configure cluster networking, restore single node or cluster configuration, configure cluster storage, implement Cluster-Aware Updating, upgrade a cluster, configure and optimize clustered shared volumes, configure clusters without network names, configure storage spaces
  • Manage failover clustering roles
    • Configure role-specific settings, including continuously available shares; configure virtual machine (VM) monitoring; configure failover and preference settings; configure guest clustering
  • Manage VM movement
    • Perform live migration; perform quick migration; perform storage migration; import, export, and copy VMs; configure VM network health protection; configure drain on shutdown
Configure file and storage solutions (15–20%)
  • Configure advanced file services
    • Configure Network File System (NFS) data store, configure BranchCache, configure File Classification Infrastructure (FCI) using File Server Resource Manager (FSRM), configure file access auditing
  • Implement Dynamic Access Control (DAC)
    • Configure user and device claim types, implement policy changes and staging, perform access-denied remediation, configure file classification, create and configure Central Access rules and policies, create and configure resource properties and lists
  • Configure and optimize storage
    • Configure iSCSI target and initiator, configure Internet Storage Name server (iSNS), implement thin provisioning and trim, manage server free space using Features on Demand, configure tiered storage
Implement business continuity and disaster recovery (15–20%)
  • Configure and manage backups
    • Configure Windows Server backups, configure Microsoft Azure backups, configure role-specific backups, manage VSS settings using VSSAdmin
  • Recover servers
    • Restore from backups, perform a Bare Metal Restore (BMR), recover servers using Windows Recovery Environment (Win RE) and safe mode, configure the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store
  • Configure site-level fault tolerance
    • Configure Hyper-V Replica, including Hyper-V Replica Broker and VMs; configure multi-site clustering, including network settings, Quorum, and failover settings; configure Hyper-V Replica extended replication; configure Global Update Manager; recover a multi-site failover cluster
Configure Network Services (15–20%)
  • Implement an advanced Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) solution
    • Create and configure superscopes and multicast scopes; implement DHCPv6; configure high availability for DHCP, including DHCP failover and split scopes; configure DHCP Name Protection; configure DNS registration
  • Implement an advanced DNS solution
    • Configure security for DNS, including Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC), DNS Socket Pool, and cache locking; configure DNS logging; configure delegated administration; configure recursion; configure netmask ordering; configure a GlobalNames zone; analyze zone level statistics
  • Deploy and manage IP Address Management (IPAM)
    • Provision IPAM manually or by using Group Policy, configure server discovery, create and manage IP blocks and ranges, monitor utilization of IP address space, migrate to IPAM, delegate IPAM administration, manage IPAM collections, configure IPAM database storage
Configure the Active Directory infrastructure (15–20%)
  • Configure a forest or a domain
    • Implement multi-domain and multi-forest Active Directory environments, including interoperability with previous versions of Active Directory; upgrade existing domains and forests, including environment preparation and functional levels; configure multiple user principal name (UPN) suffixes
  • Configure trusts
    • Configure external, forest, shortcut, and realm trusts; configure trust authentication; configure SID filtering; configure name suffix routing
  • Configure sites
    • Configure sites and subnets, create and configure site links, manage site coverage, manage registration of SRV records, move domain controllers between sites
  • Manage Active Directory and SYSVOL replication
    • Configure replication to Read-Only Domain Controllers (RODCs), configure Password Replication Policy (PRP) for RODC, monitor and manage replication, upgrade SYSVOL replication to Distributed File System Replication (DFSR)
Configure Identity and Access Solutions (15–20%)
  • Implement Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)
    • Install AD FS; implement claims-based authentication, including Relying Party Trusts; configure authentication policies; configure Workplace Join; configure multi-factor authentication
  • Install and configure Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS)
    • Install an Enterprise Certificate Authority (CA), configure certificate revocation lists (CRL) distribution points, install and configure Online Responder, implement administrative role separation, configure CA backup and recovery
  • Manage certificates
    • Manage certificate templates; implement and manage certificate deployment, validation, and revocation; manage certificate renewal; manage certificate enrollment and renewal to computers and users using Group Policies; configure and manage key archival and recovery
  • Install and configure Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS)
    • Install a licensing or certificate AD RMS server, manage AD RMS Service Connection Point (SCP), manage RMS templates, configure Exclusion Policies, back up and restore AD RMS


Exam 70-410

Install and configure servers (25‒30%)
  • Install servers
    • Plan for a server installation, plan for server roles, plan for a server upgrade, install Server Core, optimize resource utilization by using Features on Demand, migrate roles from previous versions of Windows Server
  • Configure servers
    • Configure Server Core, delegate administration, add and remove features in offline images, deploy roles on remote servers, convert Server Core to/from full GUI, configure services, configure NIC teaming, install and configure Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)
  • Configure local storage
    • Design storage spaces, configure basic and dynamic disks, configure Master Boot Record (MBR) and GUID Partition Table (GPT) disks, manage volumes, create and mount virtual hard disks (VHDs), configure storage pools and disk pools, create storage pools by using disk enclosures
Configure server roles and features (20‒25%)
  • Configure servers for remote management
    • Configure WinRM, configure down-level server management, configure servers for day-to-day management tasks, configure multi-server management, configure Server Core, configure Windows Firewall, manage non-domain joined servers
Configure Hyper-V (25‒30%)
  • Create and configure virtual machine (VM) settings
    • Configure dynamic memory, configure smart paging, configure Resource Metering, configure guest integration services, create and configure Generation 1 and 2 VMs, configure and use enhanced session mode, configure RemoteFX
  • Create and configure virtual machine storage
    • Create VHDs and VHDX, configure differencing drives, modify VHDs, configure pass-through disks, manage checkpoints, implement a virtual Fibre Channel adapter, configure storage Quality of Service
  • Create and configure virtual networks
    • Configure Hyper-V virtual switches, optimize network performance, configure MAC addresses, configure network isolation, configure synthetic and legacy virtual network adapters, configure NIC teaming in VMs
Install and administer Active Directory (25‒30%)
  • Install domain controllers
    • Add or remove a domain controller from a domain, upgrade a domain controller, install Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) on a Server Core installation, install a domain controller from install from media (IFM), resolve Domain Name System (DNS) SRV record registration issues, configure a global catalog server, deploy Active Directory infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in Microsoft Azure

Exam 70-411

Deploy, manage, and maintain servers (20‒25%)
  • Monitor servers
    • Configure Data Collector Sets (DCS), configure alerts, monitor real-time performance, monitor VMs, monitor events, configure event subscriptions, configure network monitoring, schedule performance monitoring
Configure network services and access (20‒25%)
  • Configure DirectAccess
    • Implement server requirements, implement client configuration, configure DNS for DirectAccess, configure certificates for DirectAccess
Configure a network policy server infrastructure (15‒20%)
  • Configure Network Access Protection (NAP)
    • Configure System Health Validators (SHVs), configure health policies, configure NAP enforcement using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and VPN, configure isolation and remediation of non-compliant computers using DHCP and VPN, configure NAP client settings
Configure and manage Active Directory (20‒25%)
  • Configure domain controllers
    • Transfer and seize operations master roles, install and configure a read-only domain controller (RODC), configure domain controller cloning
  • Maintain Active Directory
    • Back up Active Directory and SYSVOL, manage Active Directory offline, optimize an Active Directory database, clean up metadata, configure Active Directory snapshots, perform object- and container-level recovery, perform Active Directory restore, configure and restore objects by using the Active Directory Recycle Bin
Configure and manage Group Policy (20‒25%)
  • Configure Group Policy processing
    • Configure processing order and precedence, configure blocking of inheritance, configure enforced policies, configure security filtering and WMI filtering, configure loopback processing, configure and manage slow-link processing and Group Policy caching, configure client-side extension (CSE) behavior, force Group Policy Update


Cluster CSV







Jan 27

Ford EDGE PDU / PTO / Transfer Case Issues, Flex, 500, MKX

To link direct to this page there is a short URL also; bit.ly/FordPTOLinks

This is a gathering of notes related to my issues with our Ford Edge, 2007.  Particularly the PTO (transfer case) issues. If any of you out there drive an all-wheel-drive Ford Edge, Flex, or 500 or Lincoln MKS be aware these have a time-bomb transfer case issue. When this fails (and it will) it will cost you $1600.00 more or less at a dealer. It’s due to a very poor design on the PTO unit, so that the fluid in the unit cannot be changed. So, it gets sludged up, blows oil out the vent, and fails.

Update 7/1/2016 (after moving to CA)

My post on FordEdgeForum today;

My latest debacle dealing with Ford on this issue. I moved, so I got rid of a lot of my garage stuff. I’m in a new city and new state. I have the Edge at the local Ford dealer to have the break booster replaced ($658.00) and asked to have the PTU fluid replaced. Many users on this forum have had Ford Dealers replace the PTO fluid. Well, this dealer says it’s impossible, and that the Ford authorized process for replacing the fluid is to PULL the PTO and replace the fluid, which costs $440.00.  I told him I know it’s possible since I’ve done it about a dozen times. I also have a guy on my blog that says per the FSM it says “According to the FSM, the factory recommends pumping out the transfer unit, refilling to the bottom of the fill plug, not lower, then manually turning the front wheels a minimum of 3 rotations. Once that’s done, drain, fill, and turn the wheels again. Repeat this process 3 times, then fill again to the bottom of the fill plug.”

It’s amazing and frustrating that every Ford Dealer seems to have their own story and there isn’t any consistent posture from Ford on this issue. This local dealer says their shop foreman is a Ford certified master mechanic and what he says is set in stone.

All I know, is I have a contract on my house at my old place and when it sells I’m getting a new vehicle or maybe two. I need to get rid of this Edge and the frustrations it brings me. I doubt my new vehicles will be Ford after this never-ending headache. @fordservice

Update 6/16/2016
Our Ford Edge now has 160,000 miles and still doing changes every 6 months. Having Ford do them now as we moved and I got rid of some of my oil change stuff.

NEW LINK on rebuilding the PTU VENT; http://www.fordedgeforum.com/topic/10914-ptu-leak-failures/page-12#entry148260

Update 5/26/2016
Our Ford Edge has over 150k now, and still just doing the flush. Did all brakes yesterday, new rotors.

Here is a great new post showing drilling the drain plug while on the car.

Update 1/11/2016; In the Ford Edge Forum (http://www.fordedgeforum.com/) where I am active on this thread someone mentioned a Ford bulletin related to foul smells reported by owners that are caused by PTU or PTU venting. And I quote

“SSM 45053 – 2007-2015 Various Vehicles Equipped With All Wheel Drive – Propane, Or Natural Gas Odor During Idle Or Low Speed Driving
Some 2013-2015 MKZ vehicles equipped with a 3.7L, 2007-2014 Edge, 2007-2015 MKX, 2011-2015 Explorer, 2009-2015 Flex, 2010-2015 MKT, 2008-2015 Taurus, 2008-2009Taurus X, 2009-2015 MKS, 2007-2012 Fusion/MKZ, and 2007-2011 Milan vehicles equipped with a PTU may exhibit a propane, or natural gas odor from the HVAC systemafter driving the vehicle for 20-45 minutes. This odor, if present, is most noticeable while idling or during low speed driving. Inspect the PTU for fluid leaks and repair any leaks per Workshop Manual Section 308-07B. If odor is still present after the leak repair and cleaning, replace the PTU and vent hose, if equipped. For vehicles with no leaks and odor present, replace the PTU along with thePTU vent hose, if equipped. Refer to Section 7 of the SLTS manual for the appropriate labor operations.”

So here are the links on that topic;




Update on my Ford as of 1/11/2016. I have now done the drain and refill process 7 times. It’s due right now, I’m doing it every 6 months now. My PTO oil dripping has totally stopped, and the bad smells are gone. I think I caught mine just in time to prevent total failure.

Update 6/29/2015;

I have chosen the “drain (suction), refill, repeat” option. I did this once, then again in a week, then again in a month, then again in a month, and now scheduled for every 6 months. It has stopped leaking and seems to be working normally. The fluid I’m suctioning out now is still dirty, but is at least liquid. I’m using AMSOIL gear lube which I think is the best; www.syntheticoilhq.com. Say you came from this site and they’ll send you some free Amsoil stickers.  I’m heading on a trip from KC to Denver and back this weekend pulling a 5×8 trailer and I’m nervous but we’ll see how it goes.

Added some updated links below. Newer links at the TOP of the list;

PM the user “FordService” on this forum. Apparantly they are some sort of official Ford contact and they track this stuff.  http://www.fordedgeforum.com/user/29146-fordservice/

Fill out out a complaint here; they will play email tag and offer you a “free oil change”.  But I feel it’s our duty to report it anyhow.

Post by WWWPerfA_ZN0W about how to make a “dip stick” out of a zip tie (post #122) to measure fluid level. He indicates the case is NOT supposed to be filled until it runs out of drain plug, like is traditional. I follow this process now.

Pictures of zip tie dipstick for checking transfer case fluid level. Lots of good photos by user evilkid500 showing dipstick, drain plug, locations, etc.

Post #137 by user coronan is a GREAT outline of how to drill a 3/8 NTP Drain plug in the case WHILE IN THE VEHICLE. How to do it properly, with photos and tool suggestions.

Good posts by user windaddiction who replaced his PTO at 175k miles (WOW) and asked for the old unit. Broke it down and posted some photos.

What the PTO looks like after the oil dries up and turns into sludge, right before failure; PTO Photos

The new part, being sold on eBAY by the hundreds, by Ford Dealers; http://bit.ly/FordPTO

The authoritative forum thread on this issue; read the whole thing, especially NATRIX posts; http://bit.ly/FordEdgePTOFailures

Great forum post on the Ford Flex forum; http://bit.ly/FordFlexPTOFailure

Ford Edge (Flex) axle shaft problem / replacement with custom tools (this is a related problem and in the same area, with good photos) http://bit.ly/FordEdgeAxleShaft




Post on review sites regarding last visit to Thoroughbred;

As a dealer, Thoroughbred is OK. While in there recently on an outbreak of issues with my Ford Edge, they were polite, on time, etc. However, when proposing $2,800.00 of repairs on a vehicle with a trade in value of $6,000.00 – $7,000.00 there didn’t seem to be much creativity or empathy.

As a manufacturer, I am really disappointed with Ford, and this will likely be my last one after being a Ford supporter for years. I have spent $1,800.00 in maintenance on this vehicle in the last 12 months on replacing the engine fan TWICE and the engine fan wiring harness. Now, another $2,800 for the PTO/PDU/transfer case and power steering rack? That’s $5,000.00 in maintenance in the last 12 months. No thank you, I’ll probably trade this in on a Lexus and #lastFORDever.

Dealer gets three stars, Ford gets zero stars. I have had a case open with Ford corporate, nothing material has been done. To read about the Ford Edge, Flex, 500, and Lincoln MKX. I have collected links here http://bit.ly/FordPTOLinks

I got this survey link and filled them all out, except YP which doesn’t seem to allow users to post reviews;





Aug 07

Google Fiber – Notes pre-install

Just a test email.
I’ll look things over and send you a list of what I’m buying tomorrow preferably before noon.
Couple of things for now;
It does NOT look like you can tie two gmail accounts to one Fiber account. I see lots of users have asked for it, and google has accepted it as a feature request they are working on. I also logged into my Fiber account and don’t see any way to do that.
Google Fiber DOES include wireless, and each TV box is also wireless and every Network box are also wireless routers, and the Network box is also a 4 port router. These 4 ports could support printers, computers, OOMA, etc. So this is really good.
There is also the Storage Box which is essentially the DVR for all TVs, and it’s about 4x the size of the Time Warner DVR. Each TV Box also has a Network Port that could be used to connect computer, OOMA, or any network device.googlefiber
This page shows all devices, and on the right you can read about specific devices. But you should end up with a Network Box, TV Box(es), Storage Box.
Allegedly the DVR can record up to 8 shows at once.
There really are only three options; 1) free Internet, 2) Gigabit Internet, 3) Gigabit Internet + TV.
Jul 10

New financial sites and apps to check out

Just a list of sites and apps I want to check out;










May 11


Peer to Peer Lending

Ok, this is a little off the normal track and not I.T. related. Those who know me, also know I’m a serious investor and have been for decades. I’m going to document a few disruptive technologies that I have been watching with interest. None of these are publicly traded at this point.

I think in general, people hate dealing with lenders and banks. I know I don’t like it. I’ve gone into a physical bank about twice in the last 10 years. One time was just last week to dump a gallon of change into their fancy machine that counts it. The last time before that was a couple of years ago when my account had unauthorized charges and I needed a new card while traveling. For normal financial activity, I’m 100% online.

Even financing a home loan can be done entirely online; I’ve done refinances with Quicken Loans and it was very smooth. For home loans, i have also use LendingTree, which is another disruptive lending site. At LendingTree, you fill out a simple forms, and you get proposals from several banks without leaving your computer.

Lately, I have been researching Peer to Peer personal and student loan companies. These operate essentially like Kickstarter except for loans. There are essentially two parties that use the sites; the “investor” and the “borrower”.  From a borrower perspective, you fill out a simple application, and your loan request is entered into the system. Then the “investors” are able to review the loan data (sanitized) and choose specific loans to invest small amounts into. A loan of 10k may have 50 investors, each putting in $25.00 up to maybe several hundreds. There is enough loan data so that investors can view credit scores, default rates and expectations, and make their own decision about which loans to invest in. The Company pays the Investors, and the Borrower pays the Company. Somewhere, the Company makes their cut from a marginal percentage charge or some fee. Typically, these costs are much lower than traditional banks. However, the biggest advantage is that you DON’T have to deal with the “normal” banks. It’s simple, it’s online, you don’t have to beg anyone, I would view the dramatic movement to Peer to Peer lending as having two main drivers; lower costs/fees which translate into better rates for Borrowers, and improved returns for Investors. The second driver is simply that I think many people dislike dealing with the large banks due to the hurdles, inconvenience, hassles, fees, etc.

There are two main companies in the P2P Lending space; Lending Club and Prosper. Lending Club is the original and is larger, but they are very similar. Here is a good explanation of P2P Lending. Peerform is also a similar up and coming lender that I am not as familar with. Most of these are SEC registered and do loan origination through FDIC bank arrangements. Do your own due diligence, this is just me sharing some notes and is not any kind of recommendation.money

Then, there is also a Student Loan specific P2P lending site. SoFI (Social FInance) is a P2P lending site focused on helping those with student loans. This is another area where traditional banks are clueless. I know people who have used SoFI. In one case, the female student borrower was in their late 20’s,  very successful and earning extremely high wages. Traditional lenders still asked for a co-signer!  What an insult. So, they can go to SoFI, fill out a simple form, and have 30k or 40k for a student loan refi with little effort and rates much reduced from traditional lender rates. I’m not going into a lot of detail but I want to list some links where I started my research.

On a slightly different note, I’ve been spending time on https://www.motifinvesting.com. It’s a site that lets you create baskets (motifs) of stocks, and then invest or trade that basket as a whole for very inexpensive commissions. Very cool, and a lot of fun.

Royalty free, no cost images from http://pixabay.com/

Apr 01

VMware vSphere: Fast Track [V5.5] Now Available

VMwareEducationServicesVMware vSphere: Fast Track [V5.5] Now Available

VMware vSphere: Fast Track [V5.5] combines the content of the Install, Configure, Manage course with advanced tasks and skills for configuring a highly available and scalable virtual infrastructure.  It is a 5-day, intensive, extended-hours training course for those willing to work hard to achieve superior vSphere skills with minimal time away from the office.   Choose Classroom or Live Online where you can attend remotely from anywhere!     Elaine Sherwood Education Services, Online Marketing Manager