Google Reviewers get 1TB of free Drive storage?

1TB of free Drive storage; This story is all over today;

Instead of playing games with this process, someone there should step back and look at how this works from the customer’s perspective.
Google reviews still apparently has NO WAY to use a QR code to point customers directly to a review page. I have received two different confirmations of this from Google Support. In the past, this HAS been possible with Google Places, or straight links to a url. Now, this has all been broken with recent Google Business updates, and the push to the MAPS app. This is an incredible failure to support the local businesses, making it impossible to offer your customers a QR link where they can easily go straight to a review URL. QR codes have been around for over 20 years now, and various competitors (Yelp) DO offer this functionality, and it’s clearly time for Google to make this work consistently and reliable without forcing user to use an APP.
This is probably the biggest hurdle to adoption of Google Reviews and Google seems unaware or clueless about it. Google it; local business owners are frustrated by this gap, and looking for a solution.
In case anybody who matters at Google reads this, here is the problem statement; “As a business owner, I need a simple, quick, easy way to create a QR code that goes DIRECTLY to the review page (no additional clicks or links) and allows the user to post stars, and a review, WITHOUT any app, and on any platform (windows or mac pc, Android or Apple phone) or browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE, etc.)”.

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