Aug 07

Google Fiber – Notes pre-install

Just a test email.
I’ll look things over and send you a list of what I’m buying tomorrow preferably before noon.
Couple of things for now;
It does NOT look like you can tie two gmail accounts to one Fiber account. I see lots of users have asked for it, and google has accepted it as a feature request they are working on. I also logged into my Fiber account and don’t see any way to do that.
Google Fiber DOES include wireless, and each TV box is also wireless and every Network box are also wireless routers, and the Network box is also a 4 port router. These 4 ports could support printers, computers, OOMA, etc. So this is really good.
There is also the Storage Box which is essentially the DVR for all TVs, and it’s about 4x the size of the Time Warner DVR. Each TV Box also has a Network Port that could be used to connect computer, OOMA, or any network device.googlefiber
This page shows all devices, and on the right you can read about specific devices. But you should end up with a Network Box, TV Box(es), Storage Box.
Allegedly the DVR can record up to 8 shows at once.
There really are only three options; 1) free Internet, 2) Gigabit Internet, 3) Gigabit Internet + TV.
Jul 10

New financial sites and apps to check out

Just a list of sites and apps I want to check out;

Oct 10

Thoughts on the VCP5

Some reactions on the VCP while it’s still fresh;

  • Preparation; I had taken the course as required. Then I studied for a couple more months. I had a lab. I studied the BLUEPRINT, and also ports and file names. I did not memorize them all, but had a good feel for what ones were real. I took the online VMware example test from their site, and could get 100% on it.
  • Scheduling the test is different from Microsoft. You have to go to your VMware training, and “submit” to take the test. They verify that you have the training, and then in about 15 min you get a certification code, which you use to schedule the exam.
  • The actual exam; it was 85 questions in 90 minutes. WOW.  You have to really keep moving. I never felt this short of time on a MS test.
  • You hear a lot about memorizing ports and filenames. I had zero questions about filenames and only 1 about ports.
  • You also hear and read a lot about once you submit a question, you can’t go back and review. This was NOT TRUE in my case. I could go back through the entire test, and update any answers I chose.
  • There were about 25% of the questions that had more than one answer; like “choose two of the following”
  • About 30% of the questions had “exhibits” where you had to open a graphic that showed you something.
  • Even though I had trained, worked hands on, labbed, studied, there were still some questions that I had NEVER heard a peep about. Like one about “persistant scratch” locations. What?  Here you go.
  • You have to have SOME knowledge of prior versions.vcp51
  • You have to have SOME knowledge of other VMware products (Workstation, for example)
  • When I started this test, within the first 10 minutes I was sure I was going to fail. I actually started to relax and kind go faster, but still trying to give good answers.
  • I used ALL of the time.
  • I PASSED in the end, so I guess all the study worked out.


Aug 02

Free Microsoft Training – Microsoft Virtual Academy

One of the best free training resources out there is the Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA). It has a LOT of free training on all topics. A couple of weeks ago, I attended two sessions on “What’s new in R2” for Server 2012, which is a topic I would think most sysadmins would appreciate.


Now the recorded versions of those sessions have been posted online here; What’s New in Windows Server 2012 R2 Jump Start

You get “points” for attending training and can watch your ranking against other individuals.